The Language Secretariat of Greenland

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Matching Names

Found 216 matching names:
A | E | I | K | M | N | O | P | Q | S | T | U
  Name European Old Spelling
  Name European Old Spelling
 Aaja  S Âja
 Aajaajaq  S Âjâjaĸ
 Aajak  S Âjak
 Aajamaak  S Âjamâk
 Aakaja  S Âkaja
Aakasik  S Âkasik
  Common endearment term for children meaning: 'poor little mite'. Greenlanders use these with the opposite meaning. The ending -kasik also is often used in personal names, such as: Aqqalukasik (poor littlebrother to older sister), Unaakasik (poor harpoon), Aakasak (here Aakasik in Central Western Greenlandic).
 Aanngualuk  S Ãngualuk
 Aannguaraarsuk  S Ãnguarârssuk
 Aariaq  S Âriaĸ
 Aarnguaq  S Ârnguaĸ
 Aarnuaq  S Ârnuaĸ
 Aatsiannguaq  S Ãtsiánguaĸ
 Aatsiku  S Ãtsiko
 Aavamiu  S Âuvamio
 Akik  SWAkik
 Akkajuk  S Ákajuk
 Akkusissaq  S Ákusigssaĸ
 Akulluina  S Akutdluina
 Akussuk  S Akugssuk
 Alaqa  S Alaĸa
 Allerunnguaq  S Agdlerúnguaĸ
 Amaatilik  S Amautilik
 Amajeq  S Amajeĸ
 Angerlarneq  S Angerdlarneĸ
 Anguisaaq  S Anguissâĸ
 Angujaq  S Angujaĸ
 Aningaasina  S Aningâsina
 Anneq  S Angneĸ
Anngiaq  S Ángiaĸ
 Meaning: "The Secret", "Obscure One".
 Anngilik  S Ángilik
 Apaarsuk  S Apârssuk
 Apakkaq  S Apákaĸ
 Apisinnaq  S Apisínaĸ
 Aqaatilik  SWAĸautilik
 Arnaati  S Arnaute
 Arsuk  S Arsuk
 Asaloraq  S Asaloraĸ
 Assagiaq  S Agssagiaĸ
 Asseqaq  S Ásseĸaĸ
 Atagunnguaq  S Atagúnguaĸ
 Aterta  S Aterta
 Avalleq  S Avatdleĸ
 Eqalleq  S Eqatdleĸ
 Eqittagaq  S Eĸítagaĸ
 Eqqaaraq  S Erĸâraĸ
 Eqqajoq  S Erĸajoĸ
 Eqqaq  S Erĸaĸ
 Erinaq  S Erinaĸ
Erngsen  S 
 One of the few Greenlandic surnames originating from a Greenlandic forefathers name with a Scandinavian -sen added to it. In this case the forefather bore the name: Ingeerseeq, simplified into Erngsen. Other surnames of the same category are: Kajussen (from the personal name Kaju) and Angubesen (from the forefather Anguupersuaq from Kitsissuarsuit.)
 Iinngivaleeq  S Ĩngivalêĸ
 Ikitannguaq  S Ikitánguaĸ
 Ilatsiaq  S Ilatsiaĸ
 Ileraq  S Ileraĸ
 Ilinngivakkeeq ES Ilíngivákêĸ
 Illioq  S EleonoraItdlioĸ
 Illoruluk  S Igdloruluk
 Inuik  S Inuvik
 Inuinnaq  SWInuínaĸ
 Inukuaq  S Inukuaĸ
 Inunnguujuk  S Inúngûjuk
 Ipeqqiaq  S Iperĸiaĸ
 Iperaataq  S Iperautaĸ
 Iperaq  S Iperaĸ
 Ippinnguaq  S Igpínguaĸ
 Itaara  S Itâra
 Itsiaq  S Itsiaĸ
Ivaaraq  SWIvâraĸ
 From the word 'ivaaq' which means 'Brood Egg', or 'the Brooded/Embraced One (to keep warm or in affection'), with the diminutive ending -araq (Sweet and Little One).

Variants: Ivaaq (the Brooded One), Ivaneq (The One Who Has Brooded or The One Who Has Been Brooded On), and Ivaana with the names suffix -na.

Mythological names which are yet to be included this names list: 'Ivaasaq' (the One Having Been Brooded) name of a female shaman from the Qeqertarsuaq region, and 'Ivalimaaq' (The Adept Brooder) as well as Ivaniisaq (The One Resembling Ivaneq), both originally from East-Greenland.
Ivaneq  S Ivaneĸ
 "The One Who Has Brooded" or "The One Who Has Been Brooded On".

Mythological names which are yet to be included this names list: 'Ivaasaq' (the One Having Been Brooded) name of a female shaman from the Qeqertarsuaq region, and 'Ivalimaaq' (The Adept Brooder) and Ivaniisaq (The One Resembling Ivaneq), from East-Greenland.
 Kaanaq  S Kânaĸ
 Kaliaq  S Kaliaĸ
 Kannuaq  S Kánuaĸ
 Kapitak  S Kapitak
 Kapitseq  S Kapitseĸ
 Kari  S Kristian / ChristianKare
 Kartaava  S Kartâva
 Kartaja  S Kartaja
Kikivik  S Kikivik
 Hypocoristic name.

possibly from the old hypocoristic name 'kikkik' or 'kikkiik'. In Jonathan Petersens dictionary: 'ordbogêraĸ' p. 97: "kíkik" means 'ugly' or 'is he ever ugly!'

Greenlanders have the habit of calling children with expressions which are contrary to what they mean, the Northern Greenlandic endearment term 'itaq' for example, means 'ugly', but is always understood as an endearment expression by both parties.

'Kikivik' can be an emphatical form of Kikkik, and means 'the really ugly one', meaning: 'the really sweet one'. (See also under the name Tuaruna.)

The most famous Kikkik is the renowned psalm composer, printer, cathecist etc. Rasmus Berthelsen (1827-1901), who wrote the ever popular and soul-stirring Christmas psalm "Guuterput qutsinnermiu" (Our God in the highest).
 Kitsaak  S Kitsâk
 Kuannia ES Kuánia
 Kummineq  S Kungmineĸ
 Kutsornaq  S Kutsornaĸ
 Kutsunnguaq  S Kutsúnguaĸ
 Kuuaraq  S Kûaraĸ
 Kuutsak  S Kûtsak
 Maakajik  S Mâkajik
 Maarnaki  S Mârnake
 Maaseraq  S Mâsseraĸ
 Makaja  S Makaja
 Makiuarneq  S Makiuarneĸ
 Manngooq  S Mángôĸ
 Marloq  S Mardloĸ
 Marlu  S Mardlo
 Mataagaaq  S Mataugâĸ
 Mikisorajik  S Mikissorajik
 Naammak  S Nãmak
 Nakinngitsoq  S Nakíngitsoĸ
 Naloqqat  S Nalorĸat
 Naqiit  S Naĸît
 Narsingaleq  S Narsingaleĸ
 Nasaasaq  SWNasaussaĸ
 Nassuaq  S Nássuaĸ
 Nassuina  S Nássuina
 Nasugaq  S Nasugaĸ
 Nataaq  SWNatâĸ
 Nattaraq  S Nagtaraĸ
NavaranaN S Navarana
 "The One That Alternates Between Different Parties". From the Proto-Eskimo: naverar-, which in Yupik has evolved into meaning 'to exchange', 'to trade' or 'to borrow', ending with the names suffix -na. The stem might be related to 'niruver-' (niuver-), which in Greenlandic has evolved into meaning 'to trade'.

Navarana is the main character in a legend which is known among most Inuit tribes, the name depicts an activity where a person alternated between two different tribes and ended up creating disunity. In Greenland it was a woman between the Norsemen and the Greenlanders, in other Inuit tribes it was an activity between Inuit and Indians.

The name has developed different variants throughout time, such as Avranna or Aijanna in Inuvialuit and Inuinnaqtun, where the main character was a male, among Inuit in Labrador it was an Indian woman named Javraganak.

The stem nava- is also used as a name in the legend of Navagiaq, where N. travels from animal to animal as a soul and ends up crawling into a woman and become born again among humans. The ending -giaq suggests the meaning 'travel' or 'be out'.

In Iñupiaq, the shore bird 'Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla)' is in some places known as navaluġauraq, perhaps due to its flying back and forth by the shore.

Number of name bearers: Navarana 65 (in Grl.). 18 (in DK).
 Niisa  S Nîsa
 Nimeq  S Nimeĸ
 Ningaaluk  S Ningâluk
 Ninngut  S Níngut
 Nivineq  S Nivineĸ
 Nukarpa  S Nukarpa
 Nuuku ES Nûko
 Orpa  S Orpa
 Orsiaq  S Orsiaĸ
 Orsiina  S Orssîna
 Orunnguaq  S Orúnguaĸ
 Paajoq  S Pâjoĸ
 Paara  S Pâra
 Pajunngua  S Pajúngua
 Panisuiaq  S Panisuiaĸ
 Panuinnaq  S Panuínaĸ
 Papittalik  S Papigtalik
 Parna  S Parna
 Parniina  S Parnîna
 Peqinganeq  S Peĸinganeĸ
 Perivik  S Perivik
 Pinertooq  S Pinertôĸ
 Pinngisaartoq  S Píngissârtoĸ
 Pisuguttoq  S Pisugútoĸ
 Puia  S Puia
 Pujunnguaq  S Pujúnguaĸ
 Pusialik  S Pusialik
 Pusisaq  S Pusissaĸ
 Puujuk  S BoyePûjuk
 Qaajak  S K'aujak
 Qaajarsuk  S K'aujarssuk
 Qaalluallak  S K'augdluatdlak
 Qaamiisaq  S K'âmîsaĸ
 Qajalik  S K'ajalik
 Qajartalik  S K'ajartalik
 Qalipak  S K'alipak
 Qapisaq  S K'apissaĸ
 Qarmik  S K'armik
 Qarsoq  S K'arssoĸ
 Qassimeq  S K'ássimaĸ
 Qavak  S K'avak
 Qavi  S K'ave
 Qeerlutooq  S K'êrdlutôĸ
 Qeqqeq  S K'erĸeĸ
 Qiipuk  S K'îpuk
 Qilippak  S K'iligpak
 Qimioq  S K'imioĸ
 Qingajik  S K'ingajik
 Qini  S K'ine
 Qinngusaq  S K'íngussaĸ
 Qipuk  S K'ipuk
 Qorsuk  S K'orsuk
 Qujanartoq  S K'ujanartoĸ
 Qulaajuk  S K'ulâjuk
 Qulanngik  S K'ulángik
Quneq  S K'uneκ
 'sweet', 'beautiful.' A short form of '(ine)qunaaq' (the sweet, adorable one). The Eastern Greenlandic name from the same stem as 'Qunaaq' is 'Qunerseeq', which carries the same meaning. Likewise Quneqitooq which means 'the very sweet or beautiful one' was a name for a woman from Uummannaq who had moved to north of Upernavik in the 1880s.

Other names with the same meaning is the Western Greenlandic girls and boys name 'Qunerna' (one whom one finds sweet/attractive) and the Western Greenlandic girls name 'Quniganna'.

The word 'quniitsoq' with the opposite meaning: 'the ugly/untidy' one can be found in the dictionary, the Eastern Greenlandic girls and boys hypocoristic name 'Quninngi' (the not attractive/sweet one) is also derived from this stem.
 Quuik  S K'ûik
 Saajooq ES Sâjôĸ
 Saamuk  S Sâmuk
 Saneraq  S Saneraĸ
 Sanngisooq  S Sángisôĸ
 Sanninga  S Sáninga
 Sapangaq  S Sapangaĸ
 Saqqa  S Sarĸa
 Sarmoq  S Sarmoĸ
 Siaaneq  S Siâneĸ
 Sikitaq  S Sikitaĸ
 SimigaqN SWSimigaĸ
 Siorakitsoq  S Siorakitsoĸ
 Sooraq  S Sôraĸ
 Suiaq  S Suiaĸ
 Sukkarisaq  S Súkarissaĸ
 Sungusaq  S Sungussaĸ
 Sutsiaq  S Sutsiaĸ
 Taka  S Taka
 Takkarsi  S Tákarsse
 Tapai  S Tapai
 Tapinngua  S Tapínguva
 Tappinngua  S Tápínguva
 Taqqina  S Tarĸina
 Tarti  S Tarte
 Tiaraneq  S Tiaraneĸ
 Tiaraq  S Tiaraĸ
 Tikkineq  S Tíkineĸ
 Tilleq  S Tivdleĸ
 Tooq  S Tôĸ
 Torluk  S Tordluk
 Toroq  S Toroĸ
 Tuajaq  S Tuajaĸ
 Tunnganeq  S Túnganeĸ
 Tupernaq  S Tupernaĸ
 Tuttu  S Tugto
 Tuukutaq  S Tûkutaĸ
 Uaasi  S Uâsse
 Uitsarissoq  S Uitsarigssoĸ
 Ujamiaaq  S Ujamiâĸ
 Ujamik  S Ujamik
 Ujoqqua  S Ujorĸua
 Ukaliina  S Ukalîna
 Ukkaq ES Uvkaĸ
Ulartoq  S Ulartoκ
 see under Ulaajuk
 Uliuk  S Uliuk
 Ulu  S Ulo
 Ulualina  S Ulualina
 Unaakasik  S Unâkasik
 Unaranaq  S Unaranaĸ
 Unassaq  S Unagssaĸ
 Upilleq  S Upitdleĸ
 Usaaq  S Ussâĸ
 Uuttuaq ES Ũtuaĸ

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