United Nations sustainable development goals
The Language Board’s approved terms for the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development:
bæredygtig | piujuartitsisoq | sustainable | 17.12.19 |
delmål | anguniakkat immikkoortut ilaat | target | 17.12.19 |
FN’s verdensmål | FN-ip nunarsuarmi anguniagaa (qass. FN-ip nunarsuarmi anguniagai) | United Nations global goal | 17.12.19 |
FN’s verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling | piujuartitsilluni ineriartortitsinermi FN-ip nunarsuarmi anguniagaa | United Nations sustainable development goal | 14.05.20 |
verdensmål | nunarsuarmi anguniagaq (qass. nunarsuarmi anguniakkat) | global goal | 17.12.19 |
verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling | piujuartitsilluni ineriartortitsinermi nunarsuarmi anguniagaq | global goal for sustainable development | 17.12.19 |
17 world goals in Greenlandic approved by The Greenland Language Council: |
afskaf fattigdom | piitsuussuseq nungutillugu | no poverty | 07.11.19 |
stop sult | kaattoqassanngilaq | zero hunger | 07.11.19 |
sundhed og trivsel | peqqissuseq atugarissaarnerlu | good health and well-being | 07.11.19 |
kvalitetsuddannelse | ilinniartitaaneq pitsaassusilik | quality education | 07.11.19 |
ligestilling mellem kønnene | suiaassutsit naligiissitaanerat | gender equality | 07.11.19 |
rent vand og sanitet | minguitsumik imeqarneq sukuluisaarnerlu | clean water and sanitation | 07.11.19 |
bæredygtig energi | piujuartitsilluni nukissiorneq | affordable and clean energy | 07.11.19 |
anstændige jobs og økonomisk vækst | suliffiit naapertuuttut aningaasarsiornikkullu siuariartorneq | decent work and economic growth | 07.11.19 |
industri, innovation og infrastruktur | suliffissuit, nutaaliorneq attaveqaasersuutillu | industry, innovation and infrastructure | 07.11.19 |
mindre ulighed | naligiinnginneq minnerusoq | reduced inequalities | 07.11.19 |
bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund | inoqarfiit piujuartitsiffiusut | sustainable city and community | 07.11.19 |
ansvarligt forbrug og produktion | akisussaassuseqartumik atuineq tunisassiornerlu | responsible consumption and production | 07.11.19 |
klimaindsats | silap pissusia suliniuteqarfigalugu | climate action | 07.11.19 |
livet i havet | imaani uumassusillit | life below water | 07.11.19 |
livet på land | nunami uumassusillit | life on land | 07.11.19 |
fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner | eqqissineq, naapertuilluarneq sullissiviillu qajannaatsut | peace and justice strong institutions | 07.11.19 |
partnerskaber for handling | suleqatigiinnikkut anguniagaqarneq | partnerships for the goals | 07.11.19 |