The Language Secretariat of Greenland

Usage Example Information

Field Value
Example aalajangersakkat naalakkersugaanermut tunngasut
Language Greenlandic

Related Lexemes

Lexeme Word Class Semantic Class;
kal naalakkersugaaneq
Noun Activity;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal akuerisaq
isumasioqatigiilluni akue…
Noun Unknown;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal ileqqoreqqusaq
Noun Convention;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal malittarisassiaq
kommuninit aalajangiiffig…
Noun Convention;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal aalajangerneq
taamaannissaanik aalajang…
Noun Action;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan vedtægt
udstedes typisk på område…
Noun Semiotic, readable;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan forfatning
grundlæggende regler. In…
Noun Convention;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan bestemmelse
udstedes typisk på område…
Noun Action;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan ombestemme
Verb :decide, Cognitive Making;
General / Not Special
Full View

Related Usage Examples

kal aalajangersakkami ilanngussaq isumaqatigiinngitsaaliisoq Full View
dan forfatningsmæssige bestemmelser Full View
dan kautel (-en Full View


Reference Timestamp
Erik F (Erik Fleischer) 2009-10-15
Oqaatsit - 1990 (Ilinniusiorfik) 2009-10-15
Nukom tolke (Nuuk Kommune tolke) 2009-10-15
A.Q. 2000 (Terminus ante quem (2000 sioqqullugu katersat tigusiffeqanngitsut)) 2009-10-15

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