The Language Secretariat of Greenland

Usage Example Information

Field Value
Example falder hen
Language Danish

Related Lexemes

Lexeme Word Class Semantic Class;
kal aanngaavoq
Verb :bodystate, Body;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal ilanngaavoq
Verb :bodystate, Body;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal sinimisaarpoq
Verb :bodystate, Body;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan blunde
Verb Action;
General / Not Special
Full View
eng doze
Verb Unknown;
General / Not Special
Full View

Related Usage Examples

kal Maannali qaammalernerani nassuiaatissaa takulerpaa, suli annerusumik annilaarutigalugu. Saniani nalavoq angut inuusuttuusoq paasinaraluartoq, kiinaali inuusunnerup peqqissup ilisarnaqutaanik piiaaffigineqarsimavoq. (Ersinngitsup piumasaa qup. Full View
dan får en lur Full View
eng takes some of it Full View
dan tager noget af Full View
dan tager af (i kortspil) Full View
dan trækker fra (i regning) Full View
eng cuts (in cards) Full View
eng subtracts (in arithmetic) Full View


Reference Timestamp
Erik F (Erik Fleischer) 2009-10-15
Ordbogeraq (Jonathan Petersen) 2009-10-15
Oqaatsit - 1990 (Ilinniusiorfik) 2009-10-15

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