The Language Secretariat of Greenland

Usage Example Information

Field Value
Example naatsorsuutit
Language Greenlandic

Related Lexemes

Lexeme Word Class Semantic Class;
kal siunertarisaqarneq
Noun Abstract Mass Noun;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal naatsorsuuserineq
Noun Activity;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan takst
pris som brugeren betaler…
Noun Money, countable;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan opgørelse
tunioraassinissamut aning…
Noun Semiotic;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan beregning
Noun Abstract Mass Noun;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan regnskab
Noun Semiotic, readable;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan tabel
Noun Abstract Countable;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan opgørelse
tunioraassinissamut aning…
Noun Action;
General / Not Special
Full View

Related Usage Examples

kal kisitat Full View
kal naatsorsukkat Full View
dan kontrabog Full View
eng account Full View
eng accountbook Full View
eng rate. Full View


Reference Timestamp
Erik F (Erik Fleischer) 2009-10-15
Ordbogeraq (Jonathan Petersen) 2009-10-15
Oqaatsit - 1990 (Ilinniusiorfik) 2009-10-15
A.Q. 2000 (Terminus ante quem (2000 sioqqullugu katersat tigusiffeqanngitsut)) 2009-10-15

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