The Language Secretariat of Greenland

Usage Example Information

Field Value
Example is unlucky
Language English

Related Lexemes

Lexeme Word Class Semantic Class;
kal akunnattoorpoq
ilimaginngisaminik pisoqa…
Verb :assume, Cognitive Making;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal kukkutaarpoq
Verb Unknown;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal serlerpoq
Verb Unknown;
General / Not Special
Full View
eng be insufficient
Verb :lack_itr, Be;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan slå ikke til
Verb :lack_itr, Be;
General / Not Special
Full View

Related Usage Examples

dan kommer til skade Full View
dan er uheldig Full View
dan handler urigtigt Full View
dan passer ikke rigtig Full View
dan møder hindringer Full View
dan standses på vejen Full View
dan kan ikke svare igen Full View
eng does not quite fit Full View
eng meets with obstacles Full View
eng is stopped on the way Full View
eng can not answer back Full View
eng has an accident Full View
eng acts wrongly. Full View
dan bringer uheld Full View
dan gør sig ubehagelig bemærket (ved at noget bortkommer el. kommer til skade, hvor han har været) Full View
eng brings misfortune Full View
eng makes himself unpleasantly noticeable (in that something disappears or is damaged where he has been). Full View


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