The Language Secretariat of Greenland

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Matching Names

Found 1 matching names:
  Name European Old Spelling
  Name European Old Spelling
ArnajaaqN   Arnajâĸ
 from Arnajaraq (little girl). Some Greenlandic names alternate in sound due to wear, or as a result of speech impediment among children, or when adults coo with children. The consonant r between two vowels have vanished and been replaced by a long vowel; Arnajaraq - Arnajaaq.

This process is rather common in Greenlandic, fex: ujagaq - ujaaq (that which one is searching for), ulimagaq -> ulimaaq (that which have been chopped with an ax), umiatsiaraq -> umiatsiaaq (small boat), uniagaq -> uniaaq (that which one has dragged behind him) etc.

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