The Language Secretariat of Greenland

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Found 1 matching names:
  Name European Old Spelling
  Name European Old Spelling
Nukaaka   WNukâka
 from the name Nuka, which means 'younger sister or brother'. The form Nukaaka is a babbling name which is a widespread category in Greenlandic names, that is names which small siblings use among one another, or adults use in cooing with toddlers. These forms have since evolved into regular personal names.

In the approved names list, other types of names with the same ending as Nukaaka appears, names such as Atsaaka (of atsa: paternal aunt) or Akkaaka (of akka: fathers brother) and Najaaka (of naja: older brothers younger sister) and Kaaka (probably deriving from Nukaaka, with the first syllable omitted,

a common occurence in Greenlandic names) and finally from a original European name which have been adapted into Greenlandic, the name Juaaka (probably from Johan (Grl.: Juaat)). The names Aka and Kaka are babbling forms of Nuka.

The name Nuka is widespread (as of 01.01 2005 899 persons in the Danish realm bore the name Nuka, of which 694 were living in Greenland). It is therefore very common to combine the name with another Greenlandic or Danish name, i.e.: Nuka Aqqalu (Aqqalu means younger brother to an older sister), Nuka Marie, Nuka Peter, Nuka Anders, Nuka Pavia etc.

A total of 86 persons bore names combined with another name. Also approx. 25 variants of the name Nuka with varying endings (chiefly bearing the meaning small, sweet N., etc.) are listed in the approved names list.

Nukaaka is a contraction of the babbling form Nuka Nuka or Nuka Aka, hence the correct meaning would be ’my littlesister/brother who is named/called Aka or Nuka’. Another contracted form is Nukanu, with the last syllable omitted.

The name Nukaaka became mainstream as a formal name after the introduction of Home Rule. The first persons who were baptized Nukaaka were registrered in the 80s. Nukâka in the old orthography were first registered in the 70s. However, this doesn't mean that the name wasn't used informally or as a nick name prior to this period.

Number of name bearers: Nukaaka is primarily used as a girls name, a total of 48 persons bore the name, of which 44 were women. 4 men use the name as a first name, in comparison 27 women use Nukaaka as a first name. Under 4 persons are registered with the name Nukâka.

Kinship term.

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