The Language Secretariat of Greenland

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Found 1 matching names:
  Name European Old Spelling
  Name European Old Spelling
Naja   WNaja
 Naja is originally a Greenlandic kinship term which means 'a younger sister to a boy.' In most Inuit dialects it bears the same meaning, whilst in Yupik it is also a designation for a 'unmarried girl, virgin'.

Naja is one of the most common names in Greenland. According to the database of the Name Research Section, 2201 girls in both Denmark and Greenland bear the name Naja, of which 533 of these reside in Greenland. This shows that the name is significantly more represented in Denmark.

That the name is popular in Denmark is due to the fact that a famous Danish poet, B.S. Ingemann, published a novel in 1852 with the title: "Kunnuk and Naja" ("The Greenlanders"). After the novel was published, Naja became a popular name in Denmark and is still a popular name until this day, especially after the 1980s.

According to Statistics Greenland's newest publication on most popular names in Greenland (2004) Naja is the most popular girls name in Greenland followed by Paninnguaq (Sweet Little Daughter).

Naja also have several very popular variants: Najannguaq (dear N.), Najaaraq (little N.) and Najattaaq (new younger sister) etc.

Number of name bearers: Naja 533. (In Denmark 1668)

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