The Language Secretariat of Greenland

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Found 1 matching names:
  Name European Old Spelling
  Name European Old Spelling
NatukN  WNatuk
 A hypocoristic name.

Natuk is a hypocoristic name which has been shortened and simplified through babbling with a baby, which is a very common custom in Greenland. The name possibly derived from the word inequnartoq (sweet/cute). The babbling forms of inequnartoq are: 'unukunattuk', 'oqunattuk', 'ukunattuk', 'uukunattuk' etc., since simplified to 'nattuk'. This form again has been simplified into natuk through constant use.

The name might also be a simplified form of the old name Arnatuk (which again stems from the mythological concept re. soul or name wandering arnattoq (of arnappoq: seeks a mother“, i.e. a soul being born into different shapes and animals before crawling into the womb of a woman to be born again and re-claim his name.)

Natuk often earlier was s written with a ‘d’ (Naduk). This dates back to the time when the Americans recorded names in the Thule region. The Personal Names Committee recommends that the principles of the Greenlandic writing systems be followed in regards to Greenlandic names, i.e.: Natuk.

Natuk siornatigut d -erlugu allanneqartarpoq (Naduk), tamanna Amerikamiut nalaannit pisuuvoq. Inuit Aqqinik Akuersisartut innersuutigaat kalaallit aqqi allattaatsit atorneqartut malittarisaat malillugit allanneqartassasut.

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