The Language Secretariat of Greenland

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Found 1 matching names:
  Name European Old Spelling
  Name European Old Spelling
KigutikkaqN   Kigutíka?
 Mythological name. One of the first ever recorded Greenlandic names (1605).

The one with big teeth. As is common in Greenlandic names, vowels and consonants sometimes are shortened, thus the last vowel is shortened as Kigutikkaq instead of Kigutikkaaq. (The same occurs in names such as Arnatuk = Arnattoq (Seeks a Mother), Ilaatsoq = Ilaatsuk (the One Who Lacks Kin) Umiitsuk = Uumiitsoq (the Patient One)).

What is notable about the name Kigutikkaq is, that it probably is one of the first Greenlandic names ever to be recorded, since it was written down already in 1605. Back then, 3 men from the Sisimiut region were abducted and brought to Denmark.

They were ’Omeg’ (Umik: Beard), ’Oka’ (Oqaq: tongue) and ’Judech’ or ’Judecha’, possibly the Kigutikkaq, who is remembered as the one who visited Europe, still remembered in a legend from the Aasiaat region in the 1820s. (See: J. Kisbye Møller: ‘Jens Bielkes Grønlandsberetning 1605.’ Tidsskriftet Grønland 1985-5, p. 141 & "Således skriver jeg, Aron", I:272. Kigutikkaaq. (Atuakkiorfik 1999)

Kigutikkaq is also known as 'Kiilikka' in East-Greenlandic.

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