The Language Secretariat of Greenland

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Found 1 matching names:
  Name European Old Spelling
  Name European Old Spelling
MasaunaN   Masauna
 Masauna originates from the Thule region, but is now common throughout Greenland. Masauna derives from a word still in use in Arctic Canada: ‘masaut (masaujjuq)’ which means 'wet snow'. When the sea-ice becomes soft and unsafe, the wet snowcover is called masaut ( The ending –na is a so-called name ending.

There are several names which depicts snow and ice in Greenlandic names, such as: Sikunnguaq (little sea-ice), Serminnguaq (little glacier ice), Aputsiaq (snowflake), Kaneq (rime (frost crystals)), Kanerina (rime with names ending), Kassoq (floating pan of ice) and Qinoq (brash (ice)), Manu (probably also Manumina: frost crystals formed from breath).

The names reflect the Arctic surroundings. In older times it was also custom when giving birth outside ones village, on the tundra or on the ice, to name the child after the first object which cathes the mothers eyes.

Variants: Masaanna (Masáuna), Masaannaaq (Masaúnâĸ), Masaani (Masaune), Masaitsiaq, Masautsiaq.

Number of name bearers: Masauna 32. Masaana 8.

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