The Language Secretariat of Greenland

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Found 1 matching names:
  Name European Old Spelling
  Name European Old Spelling
Kuluk   WKuluk
 Originally a hypocoristic name

The ending -kuluk is a syncopation of the babbling forms aakkuluk or iikkuluk (you sweet little one).

Syncopation before or after a word is rather common in Greenlandic names, either due to babbling with a child, or because a child has tried to utter a word and omitted a sound or a syllable, f.ex.: Uka (from Nuka – little brother or little sister), Kartaava (from Nukartaava – her/his new N.), Qunaaq (from Inequnaaq – you are so sweet!) etc.

Names with syncopation following a word often appears when adults babble with a child, as in: Mineq (‘little’ from unamineq or inumineq – small one or small human being), Nguujuk (iinnguujuk – sweet/dear/poor little child), Natuk (unukunattuk - sweet/cute little child), Palu (from the ending –paluk (Pipaluk ’one’s sweet little possession’ or from another expression with same ending), Taaraq (itaaraq – sweet or cute/awful little one) etc.

The name Rulu (Rulo) has the same form and meaning as Kuluk, from the ending –ruluk. Babbling names which do not appear in ‘Fortegnelse over grønlandske navne (List over Greenlandic Names)’, that primarily are used internally in families are hypocoristic names such as: Kulooq (big one), Tsiakasik, Kasik (little mite!), Nguaq (sweet/adorable) etc.

The variant Kulunnguaq 35 (sweet little K.) is used solely as a name for girls. Kulúnguaĸ 24.

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