Organizational placement
Oqaasileriffik is an independent Greenlandic institution under the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Church.
Oqaasileriffik has the task of working within the framework of the existing laws on the Greenlandic language.
Oqaasileriffik is the secretariat for Parliament committees for language questions, as pt. is:
- Oqaasiliortut / The Greenland Language Council
- Nunat Aqqinik Aalajangiisartut / The Greenland Place Names Committee
The tasks in the field of personal names are from 2014 located in Oqaasiliortut, which was previously carried out by Inuit Aqqinik Akuersisartut / The Committee for Personal Names.
In addition to the secretarial functions of the councils and committees instituted by Inatsisartut and Naalakkersuisut, Oqaasileriffik develops Greenlandic language technology tools.
You can read about Greenlandic personal names and Oqaaserpassualeriffik – the division of Language Technology here:
We would like to point out that Oqaasileriffik is not a translation agency.