The Language Secretariat of Greenland

Usage Example Information

Field Value
Example er kommen
Language Danish

Related Lexemes

Lexeme Word Class Semantic Class;
kal tikiuppoq
Verb :appear, Appear;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal pitaruppoq
Verb Unknown;
General / Not Special
Full View
kal tikippoq
Verb :reach, Mode of Movement;
General / Not Special
Full View
eng appear
Verb :appear, Appear;
General / Not Special
Full View
dan vise
Verb :appear, Appear;
General / Not Special
Full View

Related Usage Examples

dan kommer til syne Full View
eng is wet through and through. Full View
dan er kommen til syne Full View
dan slår igennem (fugtighed el. væde) Full View
eng has become visible Full View
eng has come Full View
eng strikes through (moisture or damp) Full View
dan er kommen hjem Full View
eng has come home. Full View
dan er ankommen Full View
eng has come, arrived. Full View


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